Inleiding Hoofdstuk 1 A. Internet B. World Wide Web
Hoofdstuk 2 A. Mediatheorie B. Postmodernisme C. Digitale esthetica Hoofdstuk 3 A. Virtuele galerijen B. "Real life" instituten C. Autonome initiatieven D. Wedstrijden E. Net.art F. Conclusie Hoofdstuk 4 A. Medium en inhoud B. Thematiek C. Conclusie Besluit Bibliografie A. Gedrukte bronnen B. Online bronnen |
Bibliografie B. Online bronnen 3. Theorie Adrian, Robert. "Infobahn Blues." CTHEORY. 1995. http://www.ctheory.com/a-infobahn_blues.html Ascott, Roy. "Apparitional Aesthetics." Permanent Flux. 1995. http://www.dds.nl/~flux/nl/text/ascott.html Ascott, Roy. "From Appearance to Apparition: communications and consciousness in the cybersphere." Leonardo Electronic Almanac. 1993. http://www-mitpress.mit.edu/LEA/ARTICLES/ASCOTT.html Atzori, Paolo. "Discovering CyberAntartic: A Conversation with Knowbotic Research." CTHEORY. 1996. http://www.ctheory.com/a38-cyberantarctic.html Baker, Rachel [rachel@irational.org]. "Art on Net." 16 maart 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/ Baker, Rachel. "TM Clubcard." Telepolis. 22 juli 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/english/special/ku/6168/1.html Barbrook, Richard. "Die kalifornische Ideologie." Telepolis. 5 februari 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/te/1007/fhome.htm Barlow, John Perry. "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace." 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WEB Publishing Paradigms. 1995. http://hoshi.cic.sfu.ca/~guay/Paradigm/InternetHist.html Hovagimyan, G. H. [gh@thing.net]. "Enter Port-MIT." 7 februari 1997. Rhizome. http://www.rhizome.com/ "HyGrid by Ed Statsny." Ars Electronica Center. 1996. http://www.aec.at/prix/1996/96auszW-hygrid.html "Idea Futures von Robin Hanson." Ars Electronica Center. 1996. http://www.aec.at/prix/1995/95gnW-idea.html Idensen, Heiko. "Hypertext: Von utopischen Konzepten zu kollaborativen Projekten im Internet." 1996. http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/ami/kollab.html Idensen, Heiko. "Stoßen/Ziehen/Interagieren? Internet als Fernsehen oder als hypermediales Partizipationsmedium?" Telepolis. 7 april 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/special/film/6124/1.html "Imogen O'Rourke meets terrorist Heath Bunting." irational. 1997. http://www.irational.org/information/reviews/guardian.txt Kalaidjian, Walter. "Mainlining Postmodernism: Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger and the Art of Intervention." 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