spinster home spinster . writing . web-specific art. het world wide web als artistiek medium



Hoofdstuk 1
Internet en het World Wide Web

A. Internet

  1. Geschiedenis
  2. Karakteristieken

B. World Wide Web

  1. Geschiedenis
  2. Karakteristieken
  3. Componenten van een webpagina
    a. HTML
    b. VRML
    c. CGI-scripts
    d. Java
    e. Plug-ins

Hoofdstuk 2
Theoretisch kader

A. Mediatheorie

  1. Marshall McLuhan
  2. Vilém Flusser
  3. Friedrich Kittler
  4. Mediatheorie: conclusie

B. Postmodernisme


  1. Het postmoderne denken
  2. Jean Baudrillard
  3. Paul Virilio

C. Digitale esthetica


  1. Immaterialiteit: simulatie
  2. Machine-esthetica: proces
  3. Netwerk-esthetica: interactie

Hoofdstuk 3

A. Virtuele galerijen

  1. äda 'web
  2. Artnetweb
  3. Flyvision
  4. The Thing

B. "Real life" instituten

  1. Dia Center for the Arts
  2. Voyager Web Projects
  3. KHM (Kunsthochschule für Medien Wien)

C. Autonome initiatieven


  1. Michaël Samyn
  3. David Blair: Waxweb
  5. Anti:Rom
  6. De Digitale Stad

D. Wedstrijden

  1. Prix Ars Electronica
  2. Digital Salon

E. Net.art


  1. Nettime
  2. Moscow WWWArt Centre
  3. jodi - <we serve no content>
  4. irational
  5. Olia Lialina

F. Conclusie

"Geografie" van instituten

Hoofdstuk 4
Medium, inhoud en thematiek

A. Medium en inhoud

  1. Traditie
  2. Interface, multimedia
  3. Het netwerk

B. Thematiek


  1. Interface en metafoor
  2. Politiek, activisme en het Net
  3. Communicatie en sociale structuren

C. Conclusie

Positionering van webkunst


Een algemene conclusie...


A. Gedrukte bronnen

Gedrukt bronnenmateriaal

B. Online bronnen

  1. Webprojecten
  2. Instituten
  3. Theorie


B. Online bronnen

3. Theorie

Adrian, Robert. "Infobahn Blues." CTHEORY. 1995. http://www.ctheory.com/a-infobahn_blues.html

Ascott, Roy. "Apparitional Aesthetics." Permanent Flux. 1995. http://www.dds.nl/~flux/nl/text/ascott.html

Ascott, Roy. "From Appearance to Apparition: communications and consciousness in the cybersphere." Leonardo Electronic Almanac. 1993. http://www-mitpress.mit.edu/LEA/ARTICLES/ASCOTT.html

Atzori, Paolo. "Discovering CyberAntartic: A Conversation with Knowbotic Research." CTHEORY. 1996. http://www.ctheory.com/a38-cyberantarctic.html

Baker, Rachel [rachel@irational.org]. "Art on Net." 16 maart 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Baker, Rachel. "TM Clubcard." Telepolis. 22 juli 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/english/special/ku/6168/1.html

Barbrook, Richard. "Die kalifornische Ideologie." Telepolis. 5 februari 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/te/1007/fhome.htm

Barlow, John Perry. "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace." EFF. 1996. http://www.eff.org/pub/Publications/John_Perry_Barlow/barlow_0296.declaration

Baumgärtel, Tilman. "Art was only a substitute for the Internet." Telepolis. 26 juni 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/english/special/ku/6158/1.html

Baumgärtel, Tilman. "Immaterialien. Aus der Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Netzkunst." Telepolis. 26 juni 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/special/ku/6151/1.html

Baumgärtel, Tilman. "Jesus mit dem Hirsch. Netzkunst bei der Dia Art Foundation." Telepolis. 15 mei 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/sa/3079/1.html

Bilwet. "'De waardigheid van de mens is informatie tot stand te brengen.' Een korte schets van leven en werk van Vilém Flusser." Bilwet. 1995. http://thing.desk.nl/bilwet/TXT/FLUSSER.txt

Blair, David. "Waxweb: Image-Processed Narrative." Waxweb. 1995. http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/wax/wax.html

Bosma, Josephine [jesis@xs4all.nl]. "independent net.art." 6 juli 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Bosma, Josephine [jesis@xs4all.nl]. "Interview with jodi." 16 maart 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Bosma, Josephine [jesis@xs4all.nl]. "Ljubljana interview with Heath Bunting." 11 juni 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Bosma, Josephine [jesis@xs4all.nl]. "Rop Gongrijp interview: Namespace." 12 januari 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Broeckmann, Andreas. "Art in the electronic networks." Nettime ZKP 3.2.1. 17 okt. 1996. http://lois.kud-fp.si/~vuk/zkp321/art/25.htm

Broeckmann, Andreas [abroeck@v2.nl]. "Machine Aesthetics - a conversation." 31 jan. 1997. Rhizome. http://www.rhizome.com/

Broeckmann, Andreas [abroeck@v2.nl]. "Net.Art, Machines, and Parasites." 8 maart 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Broeckmann, Andreas. "Next 5 Minutes: Tactische Media." Next 5 Minutes. 1996. http://www.v2.nl/~andreas/Tactische%20Media%20(nederlands)

Broeckmann, Andreas [abroeck@v2.nl]. "Remove the Controls." 20 april 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Bunting, Heath [heath@cybercafe.org]. "TESCO STORES LIMITED ("Tesco")." 23 april 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Bush, Vannevar. "As We May Think." 1996. http://www.isg.sfu.ca/~duchier/misc/vbush/

Cameron, Andy. "Illusions of interactivity." Hypermedia Research Centre. 1997. http://www.wmin.ac.uk/media/VD/Dissimulations.html

Contact mail [mailme@etoy.com]. "Re: etoy.QUERY." 7 mei 1997. E-mail aan Sandra Fauconnier [sandra.fauconnier@rug.ac.be]. Zie bijlage 3.

"etoy ZENSUR 1996." etoy.INTERNET-TANK-NETWORK. 1996. http://www.etoy.com/zensur/

Gibbs, Michael. "Home is where the art is. An introductory guide to art on the internet." Why not sneeze? 1996. http://www.ccc.nl/sneeze/internetart.html

Govan, Michael. "Komar and Melamid: The Artists and the Project." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/km/project/dirintro.html

Guay, Tim. WEB Publishing Paradigms. 1995. http://hoshi.cic.sfu.ca/~guay/Paradigm/InternetHist.html

Hovagimyan, G. H. [gh@thing.net]. "Enter Port-MIT." 7 februari 1997. Rhizome. http://www.rhizome.com/

"HyGrid by Ed Statsny." Ars Electronica Center. 1996. http://www.aec.at/prix/1996/96auszW-hygrid.html

"Idea Futures von Robin Hanson." Ars Electronica Center. 1996. http://www.aec.at/prix/1995/95gnW-idea.html

Idensen, Heiko. "Hypertext: Von utopischen Konzepten zu kollaborativen Projekten im Internet." 1996. http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/ami/kollab.html

Idensen, Heiko. "Stoßen/Ziehen/Interagieren? Internet als Fernsehen oder als hypermediales Partizipationsmedium?" Telepolis. 7 april 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/special/film/6124/1.html

"Imogen O'Rourke meets terrorist Heath Bunting." irational. 1997. http://www.irational.org/information/reviews/guardian.txt

Kalaidjian, Walter. "Mainlining Postmodernism: Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger and the Art of Intervention." Postmodern Culture vol. 2 nr. 3 (mei 1992). http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/postmodern_culture/v002/2.3kalaidjian.html Zie bijlage 2.

Kroker, Arthur. "Deleuze and Guattari: Two Meditations." CTHEORY. 16 november 1995. http://www.ctheory.com/e21-two_meditations.html

Kroker, Arthur. "Digital Humanism: The Processed World of Marshall McLuhan." CTHEORY. 5 juli 1995. http://www.ctheory.com/a28-digital_humanism.html

Landow, George P. "The Nonlinear Model of the Network in Current Critical Theory." Hypertext: An Overview. 1994. http://calliope.jhu.edu/press/books/landow/network.html

Lialina, Olia [olialia@cityline.ru]. "CROSS INTERVIEW olia - michael." 19 mei 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Lialina, Olia [olialia@cityline.ru]. "Re: nettime: net.art and art on the net." 17 maart 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

"live on hotwired." äda'web. 1995. http://www.adaweb.com/context/artists/holzer/hot_trans.html

Lovink, Geert [owner-nettime-l@Desk.nl]. "At the cross-road of liberty and politics. The Amsterdam Digital City three and half year later." 16 juni 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Lovink, Geert. "Virtuele Openbaarheid. Over de Digitale Stad." Bilwet. 1996. http://www.thing.desk.nl/bilwet/TXT/ESSAY.DDS.txt

Manovich, Lev. "On Totalitarian Interactivity." Telepolis. 31 okt. 1996. http://www.heise.de/tp/co/2062/fhome.htm

Manovich, Lev. "The Aesthetics of Virtual Worlds: Report From Los Angeles." CTHEORY. 22 mei 1996. http://www.ctheory.com/ga1.3-aesthetics.html

MediaFilter [mf@mediafilter.org]. "Pit Schultz Interview with Paul Garrin." 13 juni 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Medosch, Armin. "Nettime oder die Kunst der Diskussion." Telepolis. 23 jan. 1997. http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/te/1107/1.html

Mute [mute@easynet.co.uk]. "mute/Nettime q&a." 3 februari 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Napier, Mark. "short e-interview." in jodi [jodi@jodi.org]."%20Re:%20info%20query." 8 april 1997. E-mail aan Sandra Fauconnier [sandra.fauconnier@rug.ac.be]. Zie bijlage 4.

Oliveira, Carlos. "The Silence of the Lambs: Paul Virilio in Conversation." CTHEORY. 12 juni 1996. http://www.ctheory.com/ga1.7-silence.html

Osborn, Barbara. "Apprehended: Julia Scher." Purple Prose. 1996. http://adaweb.com/%7Epurple/scher.html

Reid, Sherline. "Securityland." Voyager. 1996. http://www.voyagerco.com/links/archive/links960603.html

"Ringo++ von P. Maes, M. Metral." Ars Electronica Center. 1996. http://www.aec.at/prix/1995/95azW-ringo.html

Ross, Andrew [rossa@is.nyu.edu]. "Jobs in Cyberspace." 27 juni 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

Shulgin, Alexei. "Art, Power and Communication." 8 okt. 1996. Rhizome. http://www.rhizome.com/

Shulgin, Alexei. "indexes.html or Multiple Identity." Moscow WWWArt Centre. 1997. http://www.cs.msu.su/wwwart/indexes1.html

Shulgin, Alexei [easylife@hawk.glas.apc.org]. "Net.Art - the origin." 18 maart 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

"t0 Public Netbase von Konrad Becker." Ars Electronica Center. 1996. http://www.aec.at/prix/1995/95auszW-t0.html

Tan, Schuschen. "Digital City, Amsterdam. An Interview with Marleen Stikker." CTHEORY. 1995. http://www.ctheory.com/a-digital_city.html

"Telecommunications Act of 1996." Technology Law Group. 1996. http://www.technologylaw.com/techlaw/act_index.html

"The Work Of Art..." Obsolete. 1996. http://www.obsolete.com/artwork/

Thibaut, Claude. "Discussion with Jean Baudrillard." Cybersphere. 1996. http://www.quelm.fr/CSphere/N9/philoU.html

tm [t_mould@irational.org]. "Club Tesco." 8 april 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

tm [t_mould@irational.org]. "tESco - legal notice." 23 april 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/;

Virilio, Paul. "Speed and Information: Cyberspace Alarm!" CTHEORY. 27 aug. 1995. http://www.ctheory.com/a30-cyberspace_alarm.html

"VVV - A Journey as an Exile by Manuel Schilcher." Ars Electronica Center. 1996. http://www.aec.at/prix/1996/96azW-journey.html

Weil, Benjamin [beweil@adaweb.com]. "ada 'web news." 7 februari 1997. Rhizome. http://www.rhizome.com/

Weil, Benjamin [beweil@adaweb.com]. "DIGITAL OBJECTS." 16 jan. 1997. Rhizome. http://www.rhizome.com/

Weil, Benjamin [beweil@adaweb.com]. "Re: art on net." 10 april 1997. Nettime. http://www.factory.org/nettime/

"The Work Of Art..." Obsolete. 1996. http://www.obsolete.com/artwork/

Zai, Michel. "Das etoy.TANKSYSTEM und die bildliche Metapher des Internets." etoy.INTERNET-TANK-NETWORK. 1996. http://www.etoy.com:80/info-tank/tank-concepts/tank-concepts.html

Zai, Michel. "forecast august 1995." etoy.INTERNET-TANK-NETWORK. 1995. http://www.etoy.com:80/studio-tank/forecast/articles/august.html

Zai, Michel. "forecast juli 1995." etoy.INTERNET-TANK-NETWORK. 1995. http://www.etoy.com:80/studio-tank/forecast/articles/juli.html

Zai, Michel. "THE etoy.STORY." etoy.INTERNET-TANK-NETWORK. 1995. http://www.etoy.com/etoy-tank/theetoystory/etoystory.html

Zielinski, Siegfried. "Media Archaeology." CTHEORY. 11 juli 1996. http://www.ctheory.com/ga1.11-media_archaeology.html




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