Inleiding Hoofdstuk 1 A. Internet B. World Wide Web
Hoofdstuk 2 A. Mediatheorie B. Postmodernisme C. Digitale esthetica Hoofdstuk 3 A. Virtuele galerijen B. "Real life" instituten C. Autonome initiatieven D. Wedstrijden E. Net.art F. Conclusie Hoofdstuk 4 A. Medium en inhoud B. Thematiek C. Conclusie Besluit Bibliografie A. Gedrukte bronnen B. Online bronnen |
Bibliografie B. Online bronnen 1. Webprojecten Aitken, Doug en Kuipers, Dean. "loaded 5x." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/aitken/ Anderson, Angelique. Olokun. 1996. http://www2.sva.edu/vrml/Angelique/olkn.htm Anderson, Laurie. "Laurie Anderson's Green Room." Voyager. 1997. http://www.voyagerco.com/LA/ Anti:Rom-the antidote. 1997. http://www.antirom.com/ "bla-bla". Moscow WWWArt Centre. 1997. http://www.cs.msu.su/wwwart/bla-bla/ Blair, David. Waxweb. 1997. http://bug.village.virginia.edu/ Blair, David. Waxweb 3.0. 1997. http://www.race.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~artist1/ Bunting, Heath e.a. irational. 1997. http://www.irational.org/ Cosic, Vuk. "Net.Art.Per.Se." Ljudmila. 1996. http://www.ljudmila.org/naps/ Crossings. 1995. http://www.clr/utoronto.ca:80/PROJECTS/Crossings/Cross1.html Davis, Douglas. "The World's First Collaborative Sentence." Lehman College. 1997. http://math240.lehman.cuny.edu/art/ De Digitale Stad. 1997. http://www.dds.nl/. De Jong, Constance; Oursler, Tony; Vitiello, Stephen. "Fantastic Prayers." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/rooftop/webproj/fprayer/fprayer.html Donegan, Sheryl. "Studio Visit." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/donegan/index.html Group Z. "I confess." äda ' web. 1997. http://www.adaweb.com/~GroupZ/confess/ Group Z. "LOVE." äda ' web. 1997. http://www.adaweb.com/~GroupZ/LOVE/index.html "Hanne Darboven". Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/exhibs/darboven/darboven.html Hiller, Susan. "Dream Screens." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/hiller/index.html Holzer, Jenny. "please change beliefs." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/holzer/cgi/pcb.cgi Houston, June. "GhostWatcher." Flyvision. 1997. http://www.flyvision.org/sitelite/Houston/GhostWatcher/index.html Ideosphere. 1997. http://www.ideosphere.com/ ISDM. 1996. http://dewey.rug.ac.be/isdm/home.html en http://dewey.rug.ac.be/isdm_2.0/home.html Knowbotic Research. "home-kr+cf." Academy of Media Arts, Cologne. 1997. http://www.khm.de/people/krcf/ Komar, Vitaly en Melamid, Alex. "Most Wanted Paintings." Dia Center For the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/km/index.html "Laurie Anderson's Green Room." Voyager. 1997. http://www.voyagerco.com/LA/ Lialina, Olia. trust-n-dust diary by olia lialina. 1997. http://www.cityline.ru/~olialia/ Lialina, Olia en Samyn, Michaël. Heaven&Hell. 1997. http://www.zuper.com/hh/ Mirage, Merel. "Poem Navigator." Academy of Media Arts, Cologne. 1996. http://www.khm.de/~merel/ MMF Hall of Humiliation. 1997. http://www.clark.net/pub/rolf/mmf/ Muñoz, Juan. "A Place Called Abroad". Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/exhibs/munoz/project/title.html Name.space. 1997. http://www.namespace.autono.net/ Paesmans, Dirk en Heemskerk, Joan. jodi. 1997. http://www.jodi.org/ Refresh. 1997. http://sunsite.cs.msu.su/wwwart/fresh.html REMOTE C - Ars Electronica. 1997. http://remote.aec.at/ Samyn, Michaël en Morlan, Jef. FFF. 1996. http://www.ping.be/FFF/ Samyn, Michaël. Zuper. 1997. http://www.zuper.com/ Samyn, Michaël. Zupergraphix! 1996. http://www.riv.be/Zupergraphyx! en http://www.ping.be/Zupergraphyx! Scher, Julia. "securityland." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/secure/corridor/sec1.html Selbo, Vivian. "vertical blanking interval." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/selbo/ Sensorium. 1997. http://www.sensorium.org/ Shulgin, Alexei. FORM. 1997. http://www.c3.hu/hyper3/form/ Shulgin, Alexei. http://www.desk.nl/~you/ Shulgin, Alexei. LINK X. 1997. http://basis.Desk.nl/~you/linkx/ SITO artchives and collabspace. 1997. http://www.sito.org/ Stelarc. 1997. http://www.merlin.com.au/stelarc/ Stockholder, Jessica. "Your Skin in This Weather Bourne Eye Threads and Swollen Perfume." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/exhibs/stock/progress/index.html TechnoSphere. 1997. http://tdg.linst.ac.uk/technosphere/index.html Weiner, Lawrence. "homeport palace." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/homeport/ |
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