spinster home spinster . writing . web-specific art. het world wide web als artistiek medium



Hoofdstuk 1
Internet en het World Wide Web

A. Internet

  1. Geschiedenis
  2. Karakteristieken

B. World Wide Web

  1. Geschiedenis
  2. Karakteristieken
  3. Componenten van een webpagina
    a. HTML
    b. VRML
    c. CGI-scripts
    d. Java
    e. Plug-ins

Hoofdstuk 2
Theoretisch kader

A. Mediatheorie

  1. Marshall McLuhan
  2. Vilém Flusser
  3. Friedrich Kittler
  4. Mediatheorie: conclusie

B. Postmodernisme


  1. Het postmoderne denken
  2. Jean Baudrillard
  3. Paul Virilio

C. Digitale esthetica


  1. Immaterialiteit: simulatie
  2. Machine-esthetica: proces
  3. Netwerk-esthetica: interactie

Hoofdstuk 3

A. Virtuele galerijen

  1. äda 'web
  2. Artnetweb
  3. Flyvision
  4. The Thing

B. "Real life" instituten

  1. Dia Center for the Arts
  2. Voyager Web Projects
  3. KHM (Kunsthochschule für Medien Wien)

C. Autonome initiatieven


  1. Michaël Samyn
  3. David Blair: Waxweb
  5. Anti:Rom
  6. De Digitale Stad

D. Wedstrijden

  1. Prix Ars Electronica
  2. Digital Salon

E. Net.art


  1. Nettime
  2. Moscow WWWArt Centre
  3. jodi - <we serve no content>
  4. irational
  5. Olia Lialina

F. Conclusie

"Geografie" van instituten

Hoofdstuk 4
Medium, inhoud en thematiek

A. Medium en inhoud

  1. Traditie
  2. Interface, multimedia
  3. Het netwerk

B. Thematiek


  1. Interface en metafoor
  2. Politiek, activisme en het Net
  3. Communicatie en sociale structuren

C. Conclusie

Positionering van webkunst


Een algemene conclusie...


A. Gedrukte bronnen

Gedrukt bronnenmateriaal

B. Online bronnen

  1. Webprojecten
  2. Instituten
  3. Theorie


B. Online bronnen

1. Webprojecten

Aitken, Doug en Kuipers, Dean. "loaded 5x." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/aitken/

Anderson, Angelique. Olokun. 1996. http://www2.sva.edu/vrml/Angelique/olkn.htm

Anderson, Laurie. "Laurie Anderson's Green Room." Voyager. 1997. http://www.voyagerco.com/LA/

Anti:Rom-the antidote. 1997. http://www.antirom.com/

"bla-bla". Moscow WWWArt Centre. 1997. http://www.cs.msu.su/wwwart/bla-bla/

Blair, David. Waxweb. 1997. http://bug.village.virginia.edu/

Blair, David. Waxweb 3.0. 1997. http://www.race.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~artist1/

Bunting, Heath e.a. irational. 1997. http://www.irational.org/

Cosic, Vuk. "Net.Art.Per.Se." Ljudmila. 1996. http://www.ljudmila.org/naps/

Crossings. 1995. http://www.clr/utoronto.ca:80/PROJECTS/Crossings/Cross1.html

Davis, Douglas. "The World's First Collaborative Sentence." Lehman College. 1997. http://math240.lehman.cuny.edu/art/

De Digitale Stad. 1997. http://www.dds.nl/.

De Jong, Constance; Oursler, Tony; Vitiello, Stephen. "Fantastic Prayers." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/rooftop/webproj/fprayer/fprayer.html

Donegan, Sheryl. "Studio Visit." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/donegan/index.html

Group Z. "I confess." äda ' web. 1997. http://www.adaweb.com/~GroupZ/confess/

Group Z. "LOVE." äda ' web. 1997. http://www.adaweb.com/~GroupZ/LOVE/index.html

"Hanne Darboven". Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/exhibs/darboven/darboven.html

Hiller, Susan. "Dream Screens." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/hiller/index.html

Holzer, Jenny. "please change beliefs." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/holzer/cgi/pcb.cgi

Houston, June. "GhostWatcher." Flyvision. 1997. http://www.flyvision.org/sitelite/Houston/GhostWatcher/index.html

Ideosphere. 1997. http://www.ideosphere.com/

ISDM. 1996. http://dewey.rug.ac.be/isdm/home.html en http://dewey.rug.ac.be/isdm_2.0/home.html

Knowbotic Research. "home-kr+cf." Academy of Media Arts, Cologne. 1997. http://www.khm.de/people/krcf/

Komar, Vitaly en Melamid, Alex. "Most Wanted Paintings." Dia Center For the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/km/index.html

"Laurie Anderson's Green Room." Voyager. 1997. http://www.voyagerco.com/LA/

Lialina, Olia. trust-n-dust diary by olia lialina. 1997. http://www.cityline.ru/~olialia/

Lialina, Olia en Samyn, Michaël. Heaven&Hell. 1997. http://www.zuper.com/hh/

Mirage, Merel. "Poem Navigator." Academy of Media Arts, Cologne. 1996. http://www.khm.de/~merel/

MMF Hall of Humiliation. 1997. http://www.clark.net/pub/rolf/mmf/

Muñoz, Juan. "A Place Called Abroad". Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/exhibs/munoz/project/title.html

Name.space. 1997. http://www.namespace.autono.net/

Paesmans, Dirk en Heemskerk, Joan. jodi. 1997. http://www.jodi.org/

Refresh. 1997. http://sunsite.cs.msu.su/wwwart/fresh.html

REMOTE C - Ars Electronica. 1997. http://remote.aec.at/

Samyn, Michaël en Morlan, Jef. FFF. 1996. http://www.ping.be/FFF/

Samyn, Michaël. Zuper. 1997. http://www.zuper.com/

Samyn, Michaël. Zupergraphix! 1996. http://www.riv.be/Zupergraphyx! en http://www.ping.be/Zupergraphyx!

Scher, Julia. "securityland." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/secure/corridor/sec1.html

Selbo, Vivian. "vertical blanking interval." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/selbo/

Sensorium. 1997. http://www.sensorium.org/

Shulgin, Alexei. FORM. 1997. http://www.c3.hu/hyper3/form/

Shulgin, Alexei. http://www.desk.nl/~you/

Shulgin, Alexei. LINK X. 1997. http://basis.Desk.nl/~you/linkx/

SITO artchives and collabspace. 1997. http://www.sito.org/

Stelarc. 1997. http://www.merlin.com.au/stelarc/

Stockholder, Jessica. "Your Skin in This Weather Bourne Eye Threads and Swollen Perfume." Dia Center for the Arts. 1997. http://www.diacenter.org/exhibs/stock/progress/index.html

TechnoSphere. 1997. http://tdg.linst.ac.uk/technosphere/index.html

Weiner, Lawrence. "homeport palace." äda'web. 1997. http://adaweb.com/project/homeport/

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